May 30, 2018
My new favorite (hyphenated) word is micro-shift. THIS is coming from a girl who has, for much of her life, moved in broad strokes. . .
But in truth, the key to the changes we are looking for so often operates within the realm of subtlety.
Shifts don’t need to happen in large cascading waves of change (even though they most certainly can and do). Most often it’s the micro-shifts that get us there slowly over time.
I have been applying this idea to all aspects of my life recently. The way I approach my finances, my career, my personal life. These micro-shifts are both stabilizer and movement in my life, now in the wake of great change. Just ripples adjusting and realigning themselves, like high tides gently moving toward the shore.
Change comes. As fast and furious as it might sweep through, allow the gradual shifts to rebalance, integrate and restore the shores of your life and goals. Consistent and small is mighty.