The Pathway of an Open Heart
April 24, 2018
They say that an open heart is a vulnerable heart. I would say, yes, that is true. But an open heart is also a fluid, dynamic and courageous heart that make itself available through vulnerability, time and time again, to all life (in it's own dynamism) has to offer. The lessons, the gifts, the love. Vulnerability lays the groundwork for connection. As Rene Brown puts it, connection is why we are here.
The journey, as of late, can be described best as navigating high storms in a small wooden boat. It hasn't been easy. Yet, there we were this Saturday morning laughing. We are now taking time to heal and renew in our own space and time. Yes, my heart is broken, but my heart is also full. With love. Unconditionally.
There is a quote from one of my favorite movies from way back in the 90's (the Kama Sutra) that describes exactly how I feel. It has been my mantra for many years now. Do you know it? It goes like this..
"Knowing love, I will allow all things to come and go, to be as supple as the wind, and take everything that comes with great courage. As Rasa would say to me, life is right in any case. My heart is as open as the sky."
Courage (breathe in)
Strength (breathe out)
Clarity (breathe in)
Opening, Softness, (deep breath out)