Aligning Heart, Home & Planet
Heart Centered Home
Blog Archive
2015 - 2020
Heart Centered Home evolved over the years from a life coaching and petite interior design service to a lifestyle blog and newsletter focused on wellness, design, and sustainability. HCH explored all topics encompassed in it’s tag line: Heart, Home & Planet.
Learn more about the philosophy behind Heart Centered Home here.
A portion of the blog archive remains accessible below.
Pandemic Calm
These 3 actions can help ease anxiety and ground you back in your body if you are feeling panic and overwhelm.
Thoughts on Navigating (Pandemic) Ambiguity
If you are wondering how you are going to navigate in these uncertain times, you are not alone. Suffice to say, it seems we are moving towards an unknown direction and so much of the bigger picture is out of our control.
Spring (Quarantine) Reading List
As a result of this personal reflection and our current global circumstance, I decided to indulge by curating a Spring reading list. Books to feed my spirit through this collective quarantine. It’s a short list that kicks off with my first literary love: magical realism.
Self-Care in the Time of Social Distancing
With millions of people moving into home isolation, either due to illness or as a preventative measure against illness, this question comes to mind: What can we do to move away from despair, fear and isolation and move into self care and connectedness?
How to Make the Right Decision
In my life I have had the privilege and responsibility of making many big life decisions. Looking back, I can say the most important lesson I learned was how I came to make them in the first place, and eventually, how to know that I was making right ones (most of the time anyways).
How to Navigate Unexpected Beginnings
New beginnings happen because, well, things change. However change arrives at our doorstep, what a new beginning means to us, ultimately depends on how we perceive it and how we respond as a result. In this spirit, here are a few thoughts on embracing change, and making the most of new beginnings - planned - or not.
Dealing with Fear of Change
Change is scary. Sometimes it is outright terrifying. But what’s underneath all that blood pumping anxiety? And what triggers it?
How to Overcome a Setback
Setbacks happen. I spent most of December 2017 resting, reflecting on the year, building my vision and “plan” for 2018. I stepped into the new year and everything changed.
Planting Seeds
If you have ever worked in a garden, you know its therapeutic effects. But in the moments of digging into the hard, dried cake soil, peace and calm did not rush over me.
3 Benefits of Meditation for the Brain
In this blog post we are actually going to talk about 3 physiological benefits to practicing mediation that support your mindfulness practice and overall health and wellbeing. But first…
Healthy Holiday Boundaries
Thanksgiving initiates a time of year when we gather with family and friends to express our gratitude and appreciation for one another and everything else we may bypass amidst our busy schedules the rest of the year. It signifies a time to begin slowing down the inner clock.
Personal Power for the Soul
What Is Power? Power is energy. The energy of power can be expressed in a balanced or unbalanced way. Unbalanced, we experience the polarized ends of power: wielding power over others or experiencing powerlessness. However, balanced personal power offers a key to self mastery.
7 Things to Know About Clutter (and What to do About it)
I’ve done it a couple of times. Packed up all my belongings and either dragged them across the miles or stuffed them into storage bins or closets and rentals while I embarked on a new life chapter.
Mindfully Closing Cycles
The recent Fall Equinox brought us transition and change. From one season to another. From one cycle to the next. This brought to mind the significance of mindfully closing cycles.
3 Steps Towards Mindfulness (No Meditation Required)
If you have picked up a Time Magazine or New York Times newspaper anytime in the past year, you most likely have seen or heard something about of the Mindful Revolution sweeping the Western Hemisphere.
The Lack Trap
The night air was charged. Electricity bolted across the sky, and the houses rattled with the thunder. If you know me well, you know I quickly become giddy with excitement.
Is Your Past Holding You Back?
The saddest statement I have ever heard sounded something like this…“I am [a pessimist, realist or fill in the blank here] because [fill in the blank] happened to me, and it’s just the way I view the world now. It’s who I am.”