Aligning Heart, Home & Planet
Heart Centered Home
Blog Archive
2015 - 2020
Heart Centered Home evolved over the years from a life coaching and petite interior design service to a lifestyle blog and newsletter focused on wellness, design, and sustainability. HCH explored all topics encompassed in it’s tag line: Heart, Home & Planet.
Learn more about the philosophy behind Heart Centered Home here.
A portion of the blog archive remains accessible below.
Mindfully Closing Cycles
The recent Fall Equinox brought us transition and change. From one season to another. From one cycle to the next. This brought to mind the significance of mindfully closing cycles.
3 Steps Towards Mindfulness (No Meditation Required)
If you have picked up a Time Magazine or New York Times newspaper anytime in the past year, you most likely have seen or heard something about of the Mindful Revolution sweeping the Western Hemisphere.
The Lack Trap
The night air was charged. Electricity bolted across the sky, and the houses rattled with the thunder. If you know me well, you know I quickly become giddy with excitement.
Is Your Past Holding You Back?
The saddest statement I have ever heard sounded something like this…“I am [a pessimist, realist or fill in the blank here] because [fill in the blank] happened to me, and it’s just the way I view the world now. It’s who I am.”
4 Ways to Ritualize Your Cooking Experience
Cooking is an experience that awakens and nurtures the whole house. Like preparing a sacred space for painting, preparing to cook in the kitchen is similar. I get the whole apartment ready for the process.
4 Tips to Refresh Your Home
Sometimes we all need a reset button. Let’s face it. Things go stale, get off track or have come full circle to a completion. Life is designed to be a constant iteration of itself. Change is constant. When things get “stuck” it's life communicating to us that it is time to let something go.